Majorityrights Central > Category: Activism

US Supreme Court: 9 very powerful & influential people - which ones (((are)))?

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 09 June 2016 07:33.

Supreme Court until Scalia (bottom row, second from the left) died and left one vacancy. Note that there are three of (((them: Breyer, Ginsburg and Kagan))) on this court and no W.A.S.P.s.

(((Brandeis))) was (((first))) - (1916 - 1939). He met with resistance but made his way in with Jeffersonian objectivism, not actively invoking race, but focusing rather on economic injustice.

        (((Benjamin Cardozo was the second on the Court (1932 - 1938)))

(((Frankfurter))) was the third on the Court (1939 - 1962))). He was interested in more active advocacy of non-Whites, but needed a shabbos goy to act as the “activist” maverick: hence he birthed the strategy and the term, “activist court,” by contrast to “restrained court.” Frankfurter would pose as “restrained;” and then incite the gentiles to “heroic activism” through an “activist” Court - spearheaded by Earl Warren, who Frankfurter called “the dumb Swede”, concerned that Warren would take the bait too eagerly and cause reaction to his headlong activist court. Earl Warren did take the bait headlong but there was no successful reaction - most of the really significant anti-White laws were passed under his activist court: 54 Brown, 64 Civil Rights, 65 Immigration, 68 Housing Act.

        (((Arthur Goldberg (1962 - 1965)))

        (((Abe Fortas (1965 - 1969)))

The three sitting members are:

(((Ginsburg (1993 - ))). How many Jews are enough? A tearful Bill Clinton nominated her - first Jewish woman on the Court. Her first statement was in regard to her ((Brandeis-like objectivism))) - “nobody should be discriminated against on the basis of immutable characteristics.”

        (((Breyer (1994 - )))

        The Supremely unqualified (((Kagan (2010 - ))) got there by way of (((nepotism))).


The President nominates Supreme Court candidates - when confirmed, they occupy one of the most powerful positions in the world.

Scalia’s passing has left one Supreme Court vacancy of the 9 seats. At least two other, but perhaps three more Justices, are likely to change during the next Presidential term.

These facts give the next President a great deal of influence to determine the direction of 9 of the most powerful people in the world - it can swing the court to a more thoroughly liberal direction not known since the Warren court; or it can take a more “conservative tone” - although really, The Constitution binds the court to liberalism in the form of civil individual rights as opposed to group rights. (((The media))) and neo-liberals frame the discourse of Supreme Court Justice selection as representing an important choice between liberalism and “conservatism.”

However, there are still some significant decisions even though the overall discourse is liberal.

Obama nominee, (((Merrick Garland))) - Garland’s family were persecuted for ‘no good reason’ what-so-ever, so they fled to The U.S.

At (((NPR))), (((Jeffrey Rosen))) discusses the (((first Jewish Supreme Court Justice))), (((Brandeis))), and the importance of the coming Presidential election on the make-up of the Supreme Court - as many as 4 of the 9 seats can change in the next Presidential term.

It’s impossible to underestimate the importance of this election on the Supreme Court - vote for the candidate whose vision of Constitution most coincides with your own.

There is a potential for a Court with a liberal make-up not seen since the Warren Court.

Issues at hand:

Affirmative action

Voting rights

Voter i.d. laws

The future of free speech


Surveillance drones - warrants required or not?

Imperative to replace Golden Rule of Altruism w Silver Rule of Reciprocity for European Moral Order

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 22 May 2016 16:10.

          The Sermon on The Mount Ensconces The Golden Rule of Altruism

Majorityrights prefers to deal with verifiable reality as opposed to speculative theory and faith based systems of rules as we look after the interests of our people. We are looking after genetic groupings and genetic interests as key criteria, even if these are not the only important verifiable criteria to keep track of our peoplehood and that of others. Rationale and rule structures are another criteria for that purpose.

While existence is of course equiprimordial to genetic interests, to secure it for any span and legacy requires rationale and varying degrees of sophistication to negotiate complex rule structures of interaction. “Rules” (1) are the term of common currency that we will use for the logics of meaning and action that people use to negotiate interaction and these complex, protracted exchanges beyond episode, close personal relationships in yield to maturity of their full social system; and its relation to other social systems.

For those of us who are coming from this kind of perspective, where we perceive ourselves as rationally and empirically grounded, it is difficult to understand someone like pastor David Blackburn, his love of Jesus that would have him not only forgive, but want to share his love of Jesus with the men who raped and murdered his wife and unborn child; but to my knowledge, he is at least not hoping to get them released from prison.

It is even more difficult to understand European peoples allowing, even welcoming foreign incursions into The U.K., Sweden, France and Germany - it is difficult to fathom the mindset of a Merkel, who would destroy our European peoples in service to non-Europeans. But there is one rule, convoluted rule, that they have in common and makes their position intelligible to us despite their apparent irrationality.

The Golden Rule is a part of the Sermon on the Mount, which is a central text in the Christian faith. It states: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. There are similar instructions in many other cultures.

Despite receiving high respect and wide popularity, the rule raises critical questions. What is the recommendation more exactly, and is it good advice?

This post will prepare a discussion of the work of Jan Tullberg - viz., the difference between the golden rule of benevolence as opposed to the silver rule of reciprocity - as it applies to assist in the reconstruction of a necessary consensus of moral rules among European peoples and for coordinating our relations to others.

There is a consensus among advocates of European peoples that in essence we seek to secure the existence of our people. There is much dispute over how that is to be done…


In evolutionary agency, directing moral rules for our people & putting Abraham where it belongs.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 21 May 2016 06:11.

Although we might wonder, even if we were able to do away with Abrahamic religions, would this not attenuate the signal of the sheeple destined for a mystery meet future? I.e., would we lose a clear signal of those we want to separate from? Perhaps that is not our greatest concern as the genes and our agency speak loudly.

Some images speak loudly too - just impossible to resist.

Study finds that 97% of White women who birth children with blacks are not married to the father

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 10:34.

Look in the mirror, White man, and understand that this is all your individual fault. You need to lift some weights, man up - don’t be critical of societal power and influence, assimilate black alpha male behavior, learn PUA and adjust to the R selection strategies to which these girls have become enculturated. Better yet, engage in boundless self flagellation and servitude to Mulatto supremacism. But this most of all son - blame yourself!

Ninety Two Percent

Tiffany N. Calloway, Independent, June 2, 2015

It is prognosticated that by 2050 the majority of the American populace will be biracial.

While this demographic shift in America is great for diversity and the future of racial equality we must also take into account that with the emergent trend of diversity and multiculturalism comes the delicate colloquy about the shift in cultural norms. It is well known that in the African American community fatherlessness is a major problem, 70 % of black children are born out of wedlock in the African American community.

The tendencies for fathers to be absent from their children’s lives has grown into what one can definitely call an African American cultural norm.

Due to the access to stats released by the census among many other sources, there has begun a dialogue about the growth of this paternal absence epidemic in the African American community. But the full extent of this epidemic can be lost on the public due to absence of statistics on involvement of black fathers in the lives of their biracial children as well, and the effects that can have on the biracial children in question. This study takes a more a inclusive look into birth trends, family structure, economic standing, emotional health, and paternal relationships of biracial children with African American fathers

Goals of the Current Research

1. Amassing data on the birth trends, family structure, economic standing,and paternal relationships of biracial children with African American fathers.

a. Currently there is no definitive research that ventures into this topic and for many has left them blind to the stats on this seemingly overlooked but vastly growing demographic within the United States.

2. What effects the family structure, economic standing, and paternal relationships of biracial children with African American fathers have on the children’s
emotional state.

a. Does the absence of the father have any bearing on the behavior of the child?

More specifically does the child exhibiting major behavioral problems like aggressive behavior, angry outbursts, excessive tantrums, run-ins with the law, drug use, alcohol use, excessive fighting, trouble in school, etc.when the father is absent.

Research Methods

The type of research that was used in this study is quantitative research.Quantitative research explains phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods. The data was studied through observations in numerical representations and through statistical analysis. Along with questionnaires that were given out to respondents for the statistical representation of the findings in the study, interviews with the respondents were also conducted. The respondents in this study were females spanning the United States, and 3 diverse racial backgrounds that all have children between the ages of 1 - 17 whose paternal parent is African American. Participants were approached through media outlets such as newspapers, internet, and radio, most of the respondents were recruited through internet advertisements.  Participants that answered to the advertisement were asked to produce documentation that was utilized to collect and verify basic screening information regarding each participant’s race thus proving they are in fact Caucasian, Asian, or non-black Hispanic, as well as verifying the paternal parent of their child/children is in fact African American. Participants meeting the eligibility benchmarks were required to provide pertinent locators and tracing info such as cell phone numbers and contact information in order to finalize their enrollment procedures for the study. Accordingly, those who passed the requirements and were proven eligible were administered the survey. The data amassed was broken down into percentages, and the individual percentages were averaged.


Marital status at time of birth

Table 1. At the time of your child’s birth were you and the father married?

Caucasian 97% NO / 3% YES

Asian 85% NO / 15% YES

Hispanic 95% NO / 5% YES

Table 2. Did you and the father of your child ever eventually marry?

Caucasian 80% NO / 20% YES

Asian 92% NO / 8% YES

Hispanic 99% NO / YES 1%

Testing from the 92% Out of Wedlock population.

So much for statistics that show that black/White interracial marriage is exaggerated. They don’t bother getting married.

Seduction of NFL Films, Appeal of L.A. Rams 60’s, 70’s, dodging legacy of sports-fan cuckoldry

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 18:57.

Kermit Alexander’s punt return for nearly a touchdown suddenly crystallized several factors of my burgeoning masculine identity (I was only 9) and bonded it strongly with the Los Angeles Rams in a moment on Monday Night, October 26th 1970.

I was not completely oblivious to the fact that he was black nor even entirely without trepidation for the long term implications of siding with blacks - just a few years before it was Malcolm X who said that blacks were going to rule me, which of course I did not want - there were the black riots which burned Newark and killed some dozens in 1967; and there were the “chocolate nurses”, whom I naturally did not identify with, and did not like, but surrounded me in the hospital when I was admitted for my tonsillectomy.

Oh, perhaps I exaggerate the exhilaration, elation and importance of this moment of Monday Night Football, under the spotlights which gleamed off the Rams and Vikings cool, streaking helmets, but I think not - even though it was but one moment and episode among a mass of factors which would misguide me for a few teenage years into mis-identification. I was devastated that the Rams were stopped in that episode on the goal line against the Vikings - The Vikings, who had been to the prior Super Bowl. But I was now hopeful and determined that “we” could play with them - and furious that my parents made me go to bed; miserable to wake up to find the Rams lost.

The Vietnam war, where men were expected to die, feminism, that blamed men for everything, my family’s communicologial craziness and what was already society’s (((the media and academia’s))) anti-White prohibition against White identity, its crowning of blacks as what we now call the “untouchables” and Jews as taboo to even wonder about, let alone criticize.. some context and quite difficult for a boy hard programmed to like girls: yeah, I was starting to like girls, but of course not wanting to be deterministically beholden, at this point, to this situation - with all this context going against my identity and the need by contrast to identify with people who were on my side and who’d fight hard; given the hostility of my family and society, I needed some socially sanctioned identity, on my side, with those who’d fight.

NFL Films were a significant part of constructing a riveting identity, i.e., my entrancement into undue sports rooting in my teenage years.

Jack Snow sprinting for a touchdown in N.F.L. Films

Lets continue with the topic of sportsfanship, how we might illustrate and redirect the illusionary escape of illusionary observational objectivity and diversionary identity. It’s an important matter, leading to a cuckold identity if, as a habit, not broken (thankfully, I did).

Furthermore, by examining the romanticizing and compelling role that NFL Films play in identity creation, we might be able to take a few of its ideas for the building of our own identity creation.

Let’s examine the films then and a little more of what could lure one into sports enthusiasm during teen years and beyond. It is a fanaticism that we could rather use to fight on behalf of our own peoples.

Los Angeles Coliseum

The coaches, adults, were all business and made this seem like serious business

In sunny California, Hollywood, manly battle took place in cool uniforms..

Snow (number 84) was one of my favorites ...they actually had White wide receivers in those days - they were good, too.

The officials made it official

The timing had something to do with it, sure. As I’ve said elsewhere, the early 1970’s were a time when the Vietnam war was ending, the relaxed communal sense of Being being extended to White men was giving way to feminism - could be rabid, White man hating, feminism. My older sister was a cold feminist, when not a searing hot feminist, when not a disconcertingly light, breezy and trivializing feminist; my mother, when not having some sort of catharsis for herself through a breakdown and drinking, was usually hostile; if you knew my father, you could have some sense of why she was that way. I’m over that, and its not my point to complain, but to state the fact of why I needed some vicarious identity - which could neither so easily be had with my family nor with my (((diverse, multicultural society and its programs of forced integration.)))

OK, so, I was ripe for some escapism and masculine aggressive identification - a quasi serious thing, treated seriously by adults.

At the same time, through programs of school “integration”, by the school year of 1970 my homeroom teacher was black, and there were plenty of blacks in the integrated class of my local elementary school. But in 1971-72, the integration program bused me to Nishuane, a mostly black school - and a nightmare.

Again, this wasn’t long after Malcolm X declared that “the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that the black man would rule” and not long after the black race riots in 1967 burned the nearby town where I was born, Newark; while it was taboo to take an identitarian stance against even saying anything about that, even then.

I’ve already mentioned a Bobby Murcer home run in September 1971 and the compellingness, the soothing reliability of baseball statistics, but there was something even more immediately mainlining into the older parts of the brain of the sports thing - NFL films.

I’m sure this kind of thing hooked many a kid, not just me.

In this I got a program, maybe what we’d now call a site, to identify with the venting of my spleen, my rage, will to action, to run, to identify with a tribe, to bask in the glory and to identify with, well, actually, White guys…..and we could share in widespread appreciation that was not forthcoming, personally, i.e., whereas we might otherwise not be given much support in identity (((to say the least))). In this quasi-identity, with our masculine strength alone and mere uniforms distinguishing teams [the players did not even come from the towns that “they played for!”] we could at least assimilate fighting for an identity together, not against our own - quite unlike my family, my (((American society))) and my Europe.

“The fearsome foursome”, Deacon Jones, Merlin Olsen ...the cool uniforms, winning ways, Roman Gabriel, exotic Los Angeles. I could identify fiercely with them. On Monday night, October 24 1970, my parents let me stay up late….almost..I got to see Kermit Alexander’s exhilarating punt return….the Rams were stopped on the goal line just before halftime. I was broken hearted, but optimistic that they could play the Vikings, they could win. I didn’t want to be torn away from the TV but my parents would not let me stay up..

I wasn’t paying attention to his race in that moment, he was on my side, my team

That moment set off an adrenaline rush as lights gleamed off streaking helmets, followed by the frustration of losing to the Vikings, a threatening team in uniforms just as cool as the Rams. From the cold north, men in Viking helmets came to play men in Ram helmets. Fascination set in.

It is something of a challenge to provide alternatives to young White boys to the visual appeal and action of sports like football which blacks can do well (similar as the challenge of black musical ability and audio appeals, it even has some addictive properties).

I would remain fiercely loyal to my side and could not tolerate losing, fairly bad though Rams records were compared to the late 60’s and what was to come in the 70’s; even though the Vikings just about always got the best of them in the playoffs - and in excruciating manner.

In the 1974 playoffs, not only did White Rams fans suffer the indignation of having their team headed by one of the first black quarterbacks (And I didn’t like it. Quarterback, the helm leader, was always a firmly White position), but they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory against the Vikings, again thwarted at the goal line.

After starting hemmed at their own goal line, the Rams went the full length of the field to the Vikings goal line, where Harris threw an interception and the Vikings reversed fortune.

The Rams had a first down on the Vikings’ one-yard line at the time. The penalty made it second and six, but quarterback James Harris threw an interception into the end zone on the next play and the Vikings eventually won, 14-10.

James Harris, one of the first black N.F.L. quarterbacks, helps the Rams to lose again to the Vikings in the 1974 playoffs.

Full Episode: In 1974, the Rams should of played the NFC Championship game against the Vikings in 70 degree Los Angeles instead of -12 degree wind chill factor Minnesota. Both teams were 10-4, and the Rams had won their one regular-season meeting. Until 1975, however, the NFL rotated playoff sites, and it was the NFC Central’s turn to play host to the conference championship game. Forget about it being the NFC Championship game, name me any game that a team goes over 99 yards and gets no points and loses by 4 points. OVER 99 YARDS!!! That doesn’t happen in Pop Warner. This is what happened. In the 3rd quarter, the Vikings hold a 7-3 lead. A punt pinned the Rams inside their 1-yard line, but we moved out of danger to their 25. Then Harris hit Harold Jackson for a 73-yard gain. Jackson should have scored, but he was nudged out of bounds by Jeff Wright at the Vikings’ 2. One play later the Rams were less than six inches from a 10-7 lead. But Harris, who could have fallen forward for the go-ahead TD, switched to a long count.The refs said Hall of Fame guard Tom Mack flinched, costing the Rams five yards. Two plays later, linebacker Wally Hilgenberg intercepted Harris’ tipped pass in the end zone. The Rams had gone 99 yards and produced no points. We lose by 4 points. The Viking curse.

In 1976 the Rams got thwarted on the goal-line in the playoffs against the Vikings once again.

In the 1976 playoffs, the Rams returned to the dreaded frozen north for another NFC title game. The temperature at kickoff was nine degrees.

The cold didn’t seem to bother the Rams, who drove smartly down to the one-yard line, but then their luck—and maybe their confidence—froze. Knox sent wide receiver Ron Jessie on an end-around to the right, where Jessie was met at the goal line by a pack of purple defenders.

“He scored on the play,” McCutcheon said. “I saw the ball over the (goal) line, in the end zone. They spotted the ball like on the one-inch line.”

The Rams had cause to feel an ominous chill at that moment.

“We still had a couple of more plays to get the ball in,” McCutcheon said. “I think he (Knox) called a quarterback sneak with (Pat) Haden and some other play I can’t remember.

“That was really disappointing because we were one inch from the goal line, and that was the year we were running the ball so well—25-Lead, 44-Lead. I thought at that time we would certainly want to get the ball to one of our backs—preferably myself.

“I couldn’t believe the quarterback sneak. So (on fourth down) we decided to go for the field goal, and they block it and take it back 99 yards.”

Actually, it was only 90, but old Rams still have nightmares of Viking Bobby Bryant scooping up Tom Dempsey’s aborted field goal attempt and racing toward the other end of the field. Jack Youngblood was so heartsick after the game that he couldn’t talk—literally couldn’t talk—for 15 minutes

While in 1977 it had been meteorological frustration, surprisingly, on the home turf…

The 1977 “Mudbowl” stuck the erstwhile viable Rams in mud and loss to the Vikings yet again

Coming back to the onset of my enmeshment in this identity in 1970, I had wanted to identify with black Deacon Jones and was glad when his fearsome play was on our side, but I couldn’t quite - I thought that he looked weird. I wanted rather to identify with Jim Bertelsen, Jack Youngblood, Fred Dryer, Roman Gabriel and Jack Snow.

Yet just another few years before I’d had fantastic temper-tantrums when having my tonsils out. I did not like the chocolate nurses.

I plead innocent besides - how was I to know who Kermit Alexander was and what he could come to mean to us… why should I believe that adults would let this happen, when what was happening by way of blacks was so obviously bad in terms of their hyper-assertiveness.

Who’d want to live with these people who burned Newark, made things so ugly, but nevertheless had the nerve to say that they’d rule us?

Unbeknownst to me, this was the football season following the Super Bowl (IV) played by the first majority black team - The Kansas City Chiefs. That is to say nothing, of course, of my nine year old awareness (lack thereof) of the (((egregious forces and purposes))) behind the 1964 Civil Rights Act, The 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act, and the 1968 Rumsford Fair Housing Act…

My father told me that the Chiefs would “three-point-them (the Vikings)-to-death.” Place-kicker Jan Stenarud (3) and quarterback/holder Len Dawson (16) were a few of the minority of Whites on the Super Bowl winning Kansas City Chiefs - already, in 1970, a majority black N.F.L. football team, albeit the first one.

Whites playing the objectivist game gamely, but upended by first majority black team, Kansas City Chiefs, in Super Bowl III, January 1970.

By 1972 the war was ending and feminism, no longer constrained by the double standard of the (male only) draft and with it, the background need to grant some leeway to male protest for Being, came unhinged. I needed vicarious male identity more than ever.

Action against the San Francisco 49ers

N.F.L. Film’s style captured attention with Yoshi Kishi’s innovative editing, John Facenda’s deep voiced, stern narration and Sam Spence’s riveting music: With slow motion, fast motion, varied shots, bustling action and music, music of burly combat, “Sunday with soul” - that music so compelling to the emotions of a kid who wants his identity ultimately dramatized, ranging from the toughest, the most earnest quest, manly American quest, epoch exhilaration to dark, grim, wide ranging venture, and heartbreaking sympathy, “the game that got away” - while husky voiced narrators, John Facenda and Pat Summerall in particular, embellished the seriousness of it all. The music here, during minute 1:12 - 2:20, as background to a Redskins - Eagles game, is particularly intriguing: here it is by itself - “undercover man” - one of my favorite among these Sam Spence and William Loose tunes. “The Horse” was not included among NFL film songs, but was/is a marching band staple along the sidelines of high school games that achieves much of the same sentimental effect. And there was that Monday Night Football intro music.

...another compelling tune to add to the collection - starting second 017.

If GW wonders what Hitler had going for him to excite a stadium and crowds in the street, well he certainly had something going for him, he must have, because he didn’t even have war action going on at the time, let alone some of the things that the NFL has to draw-in and compel mass allegiance..

But while NFL Films served to seduce, corrupt and divert my identity for some time from better pursuits, it is also worth talking about how we might perhaps use some of its techniques to deploy to our cause.

At least it was something that people were paying attention to. It was not merely the moment when Kermit Alexander’s fast twitching muscle fibers sprinted toward the end zone was that and much more..

Tommy Prothro, with grim adult discipline and sacrifice of hours of training before the glory of the fans arrive.


Cheerleaders and marching bands

There were massive stadiums packed with fans, pageantry, marching bands, cheerleaders…

Paul Brown, the mature display of serious business when the masses of fans did arrive.

Here they were, the L.A. Rams - an opportunity for the requisite, more objective identity for me: they were from far away Los Angeles, with a team that was coming out of the 1960’s with great records and an awesome manly reputation. My older brother told me that they had the “The Fearsome Foursome” - their defensive line featuring Deacon Jones, Merlin Olsen ..later Fred Dryer and Jack Youngblood ..with their cool names, add quarterback Roman Gabriel to that regard. They had the coolest uniforms too.


Fred Dryer

Jack Youngblood

Jack Youngblood about to lower the boom

Fred Dryer making a sack with Youngblood in hot pursuit.

Roman Gabriel, a very cool name for the quarterback playing for the Rams in The Los Angeles Coliseum..

Roman Gabriel

Roman Gabriel vs Vikings in ‘70


Action vs Minnesota Vikings

Roman Gabriel vs. Minnesota Vikings in 1972

The Fearsome Foursome inveighs against The Philadelphia Eagles

While Youngblood (85) was my favorite on Defense…

Jim Bertelsen (45) was my favorite on offense..

Jim Bertelsen

Jim Bertelsen bolting past Atlanta Falcon defenders.

Now let’s step away from the Pattern, the Relationships and come back to the Episode and the Kermit Alexnder Moment…

The Moment in 1970

The Episode in 1970 - actually two episodes in succession: punt return; and then goal line stand.

Goal line stand episode begins with the Rams in huddle

Sportsfanship in that Episode..(they look like girls sent by mom to church choir practice).

..and see how the Relationships and Patterns of White objectivism unfolded, especially in (((context)))...


YKW, Universities & The Big Business of Selling Talk

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 04 May 2016 19:14.

Universities are big business. They are in the big business of selling talk. But sometimes facts are facts and there is not a lot say about them. That raises a problem for the big business. After all, there isn’t much to say about mere facts obvious to everyone. However, if the university can distance students from a prima facie response to facts, they can increase the commodity of talk, its trade and the people capable of trading in it. Furthermore, it might help students to develop critical intellectual reinterpretations which might do them and the world some good through a broader social negotiation of how facts may count - that’s the ostensible idea, anyway, by being given this stuff to say. They sell it to undergraduates who pay in order to develop things to say through a critical view of society and their place within it. Whereas if something just is or just is not, that’s the end of argument, not much you can do about it nor about people’s response, needn’t be a whole lot of discussion, not much to debate, not much to say, no conversation - end of the talk business..

The YKW are equipped with a history of cultivated pilpul - highly developed rhetorical and verbal hair-splitting skills - that is accompanied by a knowledge of the necessity and opportunity in argumentative defense of the identity of oneself and one’s people; with that equipment, they have been notoriously successful in this big academic business of selling talk - it has reached its sine qua non in “critical theory”, by which theory of no theories for Whites, they have been able to sell talk while dismantling White defense. White Nationalists have some critical idea in defense of that now. However, they do not tend to realize that they are being mislead away from helpful theoretical apparatus by its widespread distortion.

Social consructionism is actually quite a useful tool for identity politics as it permits of things that mere facticity does not ensure, i.e. coherence, accountability, agency, warrant, broad perspective and social resource to reconstruct historico-systemic human ecologies.

However, through the talk that the YKW sell, they don’t want Whites to have that. Despite its value and with its appeal they have rather abused, misrepresented and distorted the concept beyond all reason - beyond the non-Cartesian mandate from which the concept of social constructionism was born, to where they’ve got ordinary people talking crazy and thinking that what it - social constructonism - means is that you can imagine yourself into being whatever you want, facts and other people’s understanding of the facts be damned.

I will only briefly note that there is nothing anti-Cartesian about taking such a view - it is as Cartesian as it gets. There is also nothing social and no social construction to saying “you can be whatever you imagine.”

In truth, the questions in these interviews are solipistic in nature, not social consructionist, as students are being asked if self creation (not social consruction) in spite of facts and other people’s understanding is good and possible.

However, it is not my purpose to lecture further, it is rather to have a fun look - it is funny - to see what this big university business has done to confuse these poor undergraduates at Södertörn University in Sweden. They are asked:

Is it important to decide your gender identity?

Am I biologically a man?

What would you say if I told you that I am a man?

If I say that I am Japanese, what would you say?

If I would like to be a cat and treated like a cat, then what?

What would you say if I say that I am two meters tall (6’6)?

What if I were to say that I am seven years old?

If I feel like a seven year old, should I get to date seven year old boys and girls?

Can I enroll in primary school again?

What does identity politics mean for you?


To hell with making America great by unifying civic nationalism, hope is in racial strife, division

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 02 May 2016 15:23.

Huge anti-Trump protest by Mexican advocates at Costa Mesa, California

Bobby civic Knight endorses Trump: What the cuck?

Cuckservative and famous college basketball coach, Bobby Knight, is a typical Republican and a typical Trump supporter - i.e., a no-nonsense, civic “real man”, one who would unite black and White in civic patriotism - a consummate disaster for EGI. However, there is hope in the kind of racial strife that might come about and be exploited of Trump’s ascendancy.

Andrew Jackson: Nemesis of Fed, Cherokee & British, Erased by Symbol of Reversed Enslavement

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 28 April 2016 00:18.

Whites have paid trillions for her children and must continue to pay and pay and pay for this people that they want nothing to do with, suffer from, die from, and had nothing to do with enslaving.

In fact, Whites are not free to reject voluntary contact with them, but are forced into involuntary contract with them, having payment for blacks imposed; nor are they free to decline to live, work and educate with blacks but have blacks imposed upon their living space; they must co-habitate, hire, buy and sell to blacks, educate blacks and in all other ways serve blacks; they cannot reject intermarriage and its offspring - the relationship of slavery has been effectively reversed - it is Whites who have been enslaved to black Ethnic Genetic Interests.

It is twisted “irony” by which the Jewish controlled Federal Reserve Back would make Andrew Jackson - nemesis of the concept of a Federal Reserve - the first casualty in the erasure of White currency. Perhaps the (((Banking Mile of London))) has an interest in this as well, nemesis of the Crown and all that Jackson was (Revolution and War of 1812: Battle of New Orleans, in particular). The Cherokee won’t miss him either and an image of their guilt trip may have been an even more appropriate symbol to erase Jackson’s ill will. But such is Jewish and Jewish inspired revisionism - the objective sought is always that which might be most devastating in effect to Whites.

Nothing is so effective in that regard as the terror of blacks and the thought of the replacement of our co-evolutionary women with them - they have been brought to bear to a complete reversal of taboos, to where it is now one of the greatest taboos to object that black males are inappropriate partners for White girls/women - and no symbol of unfair trade to White men is more graphic than a black woman proper - none more conducive to guilt trips at the disposal of those who have nothing positive to offer in exchange than a black woman who was a slave but smuggled herself and other blacks into free White communities:

Harriet Tubman is the perfect symbol of the endless guilt trip that Whites are supposed to feel, without hope of fair compensation - for even those few, long ago and almost always completely unrelated White right wingers, ridiculous enough to participate in slavery. Black slavery did absolutely no good to the vast percentage of normal, working class White men - not then and not ever. In fact, it led to the destruction of America by bringing blacks there, providing a presence of ongoing anti-White terror and destruction - against normal Whites and their habitats - while there was absolutely no good in this relation for Whites. Jewish interests, with the help of Christian fanatics, imposed blacks - making Whites ostensibly live by “White rules” in “civil rights” - really a Jewish perversion of freedom of association, rather involuntary association and imposed contractual servitude to blacks. But the YKW went further, to hold a blackout on black crime and accurate portrayal of black nature in their controlled media - on the contrary, with it they agitated blacks and guilt tripped Whites generations later with a disingenuous narrative; of White privilege and oppression; guilt trips about slavery and black poverty by which they have been able to bring Whites down, in fact able to reverse servitude for generations and convince the world that Whites deserve this - collective punishment as Whites, for being White.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:58. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 22:59. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 22:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Richard Williamson, 8th March 1940 - 29th January 2025' on Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 14:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Tue, 28 Jan 2025 14:28. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 27 Jan 2025 02:07. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:23. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 16:02. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 26 Jan 2025 14:43. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 18:52. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 15:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:06. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 10:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:26. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 10:33. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Fri, 10 Jan 2025 09:30. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Charles crowned king of anywhere' on Thu, 09 Jan 2025 20:31. (View)

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